
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gingerman v7 has been released.

Before you download Gingerman please read this: 

If you didn't see on the XDA page, I've purchased the ZTE Skate. As this is a new device I will devote most of my dev time to this device. Along with So this the ROM has been getting a lot of criticism for bugs. Now a lot of these bugs are a Cyanogen not device related. So from now on I've decided to change the way Gingerman is released. From now on Gingerman will only be released when a stable CM is released. Between these I will be releasing nightly builds instead of Gingerman builds. 

If you like the ROM then please click Donate below! Below the donate button is the exciting stuff!!! 


The new version of Gingerman has been released!
The main things: 
  • The really bad audio bug has been fixed
  • Multiple other bugfixes
  • Synced with latest CM repos
  • Multiple hidden extras :)
You can get it as usual through ROM Manager. 

Full changelog can be found here.

Hope you all like it :) (and don't forget to click thanks on the XDA page for Dev Team members or donate above)


  1. Very good job, many thanks! ^^

    (oh, the changelog link is not reachable)

  2. Hey, dude, the link to the changelog is b0rked. Assuming you meant this:

    Nightlies sound good. Don't kill yourself to make releases unless upstream CM makes them too! Just release automated nightlies and label them as such so people don't complain when they break ;)

    Also, a quick questions: judging from the Rom Manager manifest, v7 has the choice to flash either the default or multi-touch kernel. If you have a multi-touch device the default kernel will not work, right? Sorry, I usually flash from ClockworkMod Recovery, not ROM Manager, so I had to learn this the hard way!

  3. @Both above

    Thanks for pointing out the changelog - it has been fixed :)

    No both kernels will work on any device. The default has overclock but no multitouch and vice versa.

  4. Thanks for the new version. The info about it is not in the changelog yet? The latest info is about version v6.5.1.

  5. FM Radio support appears to be missing in the Cyanogen 7 ROM :(

  6. Лучше бы исправили Hidden SSID bug(:. И GTalk можно было бы последний включить в прошивку.

  7. thnx for your grate work, and abount last comment... ты, свинья русская, не нравиться не устанавливай...

  8. ..Where is the download link, thanks.

  9. Да в том то и дело, что очень нравится. Тем досаднее мелкие недоработки, отсутствующие в других прошивках.

  10. Plz, add new link to Gingerman 7. give error 509

  11. A lot of interest in Gingerman 7, looks like dropbox have temp banned the links:

    "This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled"

  12. Hi dude nice work can i make a request please........can we have usb host driver in next version put these drivers in gingerman 7.1 :P

  13. Any other download link please?

  14. sad to know you're moving to another phone. anyway, your works for ideos are great, thanks!
    btw, the link is still broken due to heavy d/l traffic and i still cannot get it...

  15. Great decision to stop developing on this cynogen thing , its way to buggy for everyday use, I hav tried every single build nd issues were persistent , but hopefully u will share ur work for ZTE PHONE the meantime i will be running Fusion Ideos 2.7.4 .. hopefully that dude will get gingerbread in version 3.0 as he is been workin on it these days .. would love to see u joining hands with him nd work on FusionIdeos 3.0 .. thanks for whie it lasted :)

  16. 非常感谢 但是貌似下载不下来啊 能上传到网盘么

  17. Everyone who says it's buggy, it's most likely due to your phone. My batter life is about 50-72 hours with moderate use. My wi-fi works fine and I never had any issues with it. I'm using the 8150A and it works like a charm.

  18. I can not download Gingerman 7
    Error (509)
    This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!

  19. download link????? big up yourself for the nice work


  21. Damn keeps hanging in my boot screen :( Same as with 6.5.1. I waited for 10 minutes but it won't load.

    Is it possible to make a backup and then reset to factory settings, flash Gingerman v7. Or will the backup be deleted from my SD card when I reset to factory settings? Otherwise I can try that option.


  22. why the people are issuing to much this is free you don't pay a single cent for it, if you don't know what development means in this type of thing please use the original rom or try another one cause the developers need to do a lot of work to make this shit work and please don't spam the forum's and this blog, you are not helping stop fucking complain about it just report the problem.

    wtf is wrong with that people .....

    easy the dev he's working hard and try to bring u the best android software he can

    thanks tilal and keep your good work

  23. hey tilal. I made my gps work faster with your rom, I was using fusionideos for this reason, now I can use your excellent Gingerman v7 instead!

    I changed build.prop and gps.conf as recommended here by making an and applying it via clockworkmod recovery. the "use quick gps" option in "location & security" is NOT showing up, but it is working! I get a lock without wifi or data plan in less than 30 seconds, while before doing this it took about 5 minutes.
    Maybe you can make an update with this or post this information on the forum so others can check it out.

    congratulations on your mod, it´s great!

  24. First of all I would like to thank the developer for making this rom.
    Secondly I wanted to ask that is it compulsory to factory reset/wipe data before installing the rom?
    And thirdly: I installed Gingerman 7_2 on my ideos U8150-B, everything seemed perfect but when I tried using my wifi it didn't work, wifi turns off automatically after about 10 seconds and it doesn't show any available devices in the area (although there was a device)

    P.S. Did all this happen because I didn't factory reset before installing the rom?

  25. @IT Student

    Yes you need to factory reset. The Wifi error is one of the reasons this is necessary.

  26. To the guy not having Wifi issues with his U8150A, is this a joke or are you the only person in the world not having WiFi on the U8150.

  27. Ok - to those having wifi problems - ive found a solution once and for all that should sort all problems.

  28. Any luck fixing the download link?

    Same error downloading manually or through ROM Manager...

  29. Can i upload to mediafire and post a link??

  30. @Laliy Maganti: What's the solution brother?
    And thanks for the quick response :)

  31. download link down.the sendspace one is too slow.please upload to

  32. anybody post a mediafire link please

  33. Uploaded to zipypshare:

  34. Re-installed the ROM and the Wi-fi problem is fixed, thanks for the help Lalit :)
    But the haptic feedback doesn't seem to work although I have activated it in both phone and cyanogenmod settings. Is it a bug?

  35. Installed it, but the top bar was gone, with the clock and the battery =(

  36. Hey, it gives an error on Clockwork, file not found on dropbox...

  37. Mediafire link

  38. how do you install this after copying the rom to the SD card?

  39. With clockwork recovery, install from SD...
    Anyway, why there is old market in new version?!?

  40. It would be great if you could add an md5 of the rom when you release it.
    It will ensure the integrity of the downloaded rom.

  41. ear jack problem on Gingerman 7

  42. Hey man, thanks for all your work! I hope you don't give up Ideos to your new ZTE! ;-)

  43. Awesome work! Is it possible to get overclock AND multitouch on the same kernel?

  44. Hi Marcelo, we're waiting for it from ages! ;-)

  45. The download link was disabled... :(

  46. cant download apps from the app store anyone else getting such an error?

  47. Hey tilal6991:

    The CM7.1 has just being released

    so will you make the build of CM7.1 for ideos u8150 again?

    I am really looking forward for the next release from our Ideos Dev Team!!



  48. Dropbox repository is down... :°( I can't download rom from Rom Manager... :°(

  49. hi tilal6991:

    I have some difficulties on posting in xda regarding to the new nighty build -- 22/10/2011. I have found that the wifi tethering is not working , with error in return after activating the feature!

    Also, I have found that the connectivity between PC (Win 7)and my phone is not working as well. It has been detected as a CD-rom by my PC(??!!)

    However, the build run very smooth on my phone, with an excellent camera app which has sharpest image that I can take from my phone ever!!

    Anyway, I am very appreciate on your dedication for the development on the ROM. I am really looking
    forward for the next release on cyanogenmod 7.1 on ideos u8150!


  50. okay so, this is a pretty decent rom but...
    you should make some fixes to make it even beter. here's my feedback:
    i use fusion rom now after i uesd cyanogenmod 7 for a while
    there are samo major differences
    cyanogen is better when it comes to customizing and options
    one big miss is that it doesn't support multitouch
    fusion mod has a lot of animations that are very attractive, and a white-green options UI that is much nicer than just a standard android dark UI
    fusion DOES SUPPORD MULTITOUCH wich i find very useful
    big miss with both mods is that it is not stable at high frequencies. i know that it mostly debends on phone but maybe you should try fixin some of that.
    Thanks to you and people like you, IDEOS has become much more quality device rather than cheap.

    good work!

  51. Hello,
    Your dropbox account is disabled and I cannot download. Please fix it

  52. hi tilal6991:

    I installed the rom, wi-fi worked perfectly until i restarted the phone a few hours later. Now it turns itself off after a few seconds and fails to find any access points. Do i still need to reinstall the rom?
    I had reset to factory settings before installing the rom.
